As A Committed Grudge-Holder...
Thirteen things this Thursday that I have read, watched, listened to or otherwise found noteworthy.
Singing To Me About Mustard And Jack Sparrow
Thirteen things this Thursday that I have read, watched, listened to or otherwise found noteworthy.
Advice That Is Both Aspirational And Practical
Thirteen things this Thursday that I have read, watched, listened to or otherwise found noteworthy.
Reaching The 'It's Always Grey And I Hate It' Stage
Thirteen things this Thursday that I have read, watched, listened to or otherwise found noteworthy.
You Don’t Have To Be Their Audience
Welcome to Thursday Thirteen, my weekly digest of links to things I have found interesting and which I think you
We Should Let This Marinate A Bit Longer
Thirteen things this Thursday that I have read, watched, listened to or otherwise found noteworthy.
It Seems To Produce Moderately Rational Results
Thirteen things this Thursday that I have read, watched, listened to or otherwise found noteworthy.
When I Need To Be Reminded That There Is More
Thirteen things this Thursday that I have read, watched, listened to or otherwise found noteworthy.
It Probably Shouldn't Be All I Have In My Head
I've been mostly offline for the last 10 days, so I have not yet accumulated enough good links
The Background Nun Playing The Violin
Thirteen things this Thursday that I have read, watched, listened to or otherwise found noteworthy.